Saturday, February 12, 2011

What's Your Name, Little Girl?

I now have that Lynyrd Skynyrd song in my head. I’ll hum it in my head as I write about Audrey’s latest fascination…her name. For a while now, Audrey has been able to say her own name and uses it to show possession (Audrey hat, Audrey blanket, etc.). Over the past few weeks, however, she has started to use her name to actually identify herself. Moreover, she has learned her last name. If you ask her what her name is, she replies with, “Audrey Nance.” Even if all of the syllables are not crystal clear, it is obvious that is what she intends to say. The cutest part of the whole interaction is the pride that beams from her face as she announces her name; she is so excited that she knows her name and how to say it.

Billy also started singing a song to her to the tune of Frere Jacques, that consists of her first and middle name repeated followed by made up lyrics that change each time he sings it. To our surprise, Audrey caught on quickly and now sings “Audrey Rose, Audrey Rose.” We tried to get a video of her singing and saying her name, and here is the result.

In addition to verbally communicating her name, Audrey is growing increasingly interested in writing. She drew valentine pictures this past week, and I noticed her making small marks in the corner of the page. I asked her what she was drawing, and her response was “Audrey.” She was trying to write her name. Granted, there are no identifiable English letters in her doodles, but the fact is that she understands that writing can communicate specific words and thoughts. It is truly amazing to see.

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