Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Super Bowl, Baby!

Last year was Audrey’s first Super Bowl. As I recall, she did not make it through the entire game, and I spent much of it trying to entertain her….Fast Forward to 2011…It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about how much our little girl has grown in a year. This past Sunday, she proved that she is developing her independence and can be entertained without constant attention from her parents. We took a few toys, but most of what she played with were things that you wouldn’t necessarily label as a toy: a rubber band ball, loose change she sorted using her hollow blocks, and her shoes and socks that she managed to put on her baby doll. She was busy the entire night and only really got fussy when we told her that she could not have any more chocolate.

At the same time, she is still my baby; when she started to get tired Sunday night, she still came to me for a little snuggle. I think that time she spent laying her head on my shoulder was really the only time she watched much football. She liked the commercials that had music though, and she danced to parts of the half-time show. It was a pretty tame party until she took her pants off during the 4th quarter. She really enjoys running around in her diaper these days, and I guess it is a compliment to Loom that she was comfortable enough at his house to do that. You would think she would be cold though! I am just glad at this point that she does not know how to take her diaper off.

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