Saturday, December 26, 2009

Audrey's First Christmas

Audrey had an exciting first Christmas.  She was a big hit with family at all of the gatherings she went to.  She went to her first Christmas Eve church service and managed to stay awake the entire time.  She got two riding/push toys, both of which she has quickly learned to push around the house.  Now, she just has to learn how to turn them so that she doesn't hit so many dead ends. She also has a new collection of toys that play music, flash lights, and talk to her when she plays with them.  I never knew there were so many different ways to sing the ABCs!

This Christmas, I watched Audrey and remembered many of the good childhood memories I have of making cookies with grandma, wrapping gifts with mom, and decorating the tree as a family.  As much as we rush around during the holidays to visit friends, attend parties, and buy gifts, I want Audrey to have those same memories.  When I first started working, I never understood why all of my most tenured co-workers that got the first vacation picks always choose the last two weeks of the year.  Now I get it.  I know it is sad to say, but I am going to become one of those people that tries to take as much time off around Christmas as I can.  I want to have that time to make memories spending time with my daughter and husband. 

This morning we woke up to snowfall, which brings an exciting end to this Christmas weekend.  It makes for a nice cozy family day at home.  I am glad I already bought the ingredients to make potato soup this afternoon!  The beautiful white blanket the snow leaves also reminds me of the peace that the birth of Christ brings.  Jesus' sacrifice allows us to live with peace in our hearts, because we know that God loves us and is faithful.  I pray that all of you will find that peace.  I pray that we will raise Audrey to know that peace; that we will teach her to trust God and let him guide her through life.  

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