Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Most Wonderful (and busiest) Time of the Year

Audrey has quickly become acclimated to the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.  She has been to two Christmas parties, one holiday happy hour, and a family Christmas gathering.  She has also learned to rip tissue paper.  I don't really think we can call it opening gifts, because she really just wants to rip and try to eat the tissue paper.  Last weekend, while I was wrapping gifts, she crawled over and started to rip the paper off of one of her gifts.  Fortunately, I had covered it in several layers of paper, so she only got through the first one.  She tried to open one her her dad's gifts last night. 

Audrey also seems to like the Christmas tree and lights.  I think she likes Christmas music, too, because she laughs and claps when I sing carols to her; it could also be that she just likes to see her mommy acting like a goofball.  I was singing to her while we were grocery shopping the other day.  It was the funnest trip to the store I've had in a long time, even if the other shoppers thought I was a weirdo. 

Tomorrow morning we will open gifts here at our house before driving to Greenville for family Christmas festivities.  With everything going on, it is always a challenge to remember the "reason for the season."  It is nice that we get together with family and exchange gifts, but we are celebrating the birth of our Savior.  We read a Christmas story book with Audrey to help her learn about Jesus and the story of his birth, but I know we also need to set good examples for her by focusing on Christ this time of year. 

We hope you all have a Merry Christmas! 

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