Monday, January 4, 2010

Can 2010 be as BIG as 2009?

A lot happened for our family in 2009.  The most obvious big event was Audrey's birth.  In addition to that, we bought a new car, and I took on a new role at the Bank. We also had many firsts in Audrey's life, most of which are detailed on this website.  Audrey even had to get in a couple more firsts before the close of 2009.  On the morning of New Year's Eve we discovered that Audrey has finally cut her first tooth!  It is one of the bottom front teeth; she actually cut the other bottom front tooth today.  That same day, Audrey also managed to crawl her way up all of the stairs at the Lake house.  She is now standing on her own for a few seconds at a time, too.  Her balance is improving each day, so I know it will probably be just a few more weeks before she takes her first step.   Audrey has also learned to dance; it basically consists of her moving her head and shoulders back and forth.  When my brother saw her do it, he thought she was pooping.  I quickly corrected him and explained that when pooping, Audrey becomes very still, hunches over, and grunts.  He got to see that later.  

As we enter 2010, I find myself wondering if this year will be as exciting as last.  I know that Audrey will reach many more milestones like taking her first step, saying her first word, and maybe even potty training (hey, I can dream).  As far as careers, homes, and all of those fun adult preoccupations, we don't know what this year may bring, but I think we're pretty content for the time being.  I am learning day-by-day not to let myself dwell on what the future may hold, because I know that God has a plan for us, and He will help us along the way.  That also give me more time to spend with my little girl.  She is already growing up so fast, and I don't want to miss it!  We gave a bunch of clothes that Audrey has outgrown to our friends Carla and Nate, who are expecting a little girl this April.  I watched Carla go through the clothes, and I found myself getting a little emotional.  It wasn't getting rid of the clothes that got to me; it was thinking about the times that Audrey wore those clothes and how much different she is now than she was then.  She is so much more active; she doesn't really like to cuddle anymore; she fights going to sleep.  We used to have to work to keep her awake while she was eating, and now we hope that eating will make her sleepy so she doesn't scream when we put her in her crib.  

I know that Audrey will continue to grow and change during 2010, and I am sure that Billy and I will learn some things about parenting, ourselves and each other. I pray that we are able to keep our eyes focused upward  and help our family and friends find the same focus.  Here's to 2010!

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