Sunday, March 29, 2009

Is it time yet?

After all of the progress I made during the past few weeks, this past week has been somewhat disappointing.  I have not progressed any closer to labor than I was a week ago.  We are so excited to meet our baby that it is getting harder and harder to wait.  I've been having regular contractions, but none of them are painful, which, according to my doctor, is the indicator that it is real labor.  So, we talked with the doctor this week, and she really doesn't want to let me go more than a week overdue.  Thus, April 8 we have an induction scheduled, if our little one doesn't decide to make an appearance before then.  We pray that God will give us patience to trust His perfect timing.  

In the meantime, we are trying to stay focused on spending these last baby-less days playing with our puppies and spending time with each other.  I would like to get as much sleep as possible too!  We know we'll be missing that once the baby comes, so we need to rest up while we can.  We'll let everyone know when the baby's here.  Until then, we'll all just keep wondering, "Is it time yet?" 

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