Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Waiting Game

After months of preparation, we're coming down to the finish.  My body is showing several signs that it is preparing for labor and delivery of the baby, but there is no way to know when exactly when I will go into labor.  Every week when I visit the doctor, I leave wishing I had more solid details.  This week, the doctor even said "if I see you at your office appointment next week..."  Since then, every time I have a pain or the baby moves a certain way, I start to wonder if it's a sign of labor.  I feel like I am in an action movie that keeps dragging on without ever getting to the exciting part!
This weekend was good for us though; we had a chance to pack the hospital bags, run some last minute errands, and get a few things done around the house.  I even managed to get some quality sleep!  With that, the preparation phase comes to a close and the real waiting game begins.  You'll all be hearing from us when the waiting is finally over! 
If you're looking at the new pictures and wondering what you are looking at, it is a diaper cake!  One of my co-workers made it for me.  My department threw a surprise shower for me last Tuesday and did a good job of surprising me.  Audrey got some more clothes, toys, diapers, and a fleece blanket.  I will have some other pictures to add of the surprise shower once I get them from my coworker. 

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