Thursday, December 5, 2019

Entering the Holidays

Thanksgiving is late in November this year, so Christmas is coming on fast. Now that Thanksgiving is over, it's full steam ahead to Christmas. I must say that the holiday season does feel a bit more relaxed this year, with recitals already out of the way, and most of the upcoming events being a bit more spread out. Thanksgiving weekend helped set the right tone too.

Wednesday night, the kids all made pies with my mom.  Fletcher wasn't feeling well, so he went to bed early, but Audrey, Barrett and Macie all helped roll out the pie crusts and the make some cinnamon rolls. They did pretty well, although I am pretty sure that Macie thought the dough was playdough.

Thursday, we spent the day with my family in Greenville, and then did some early Black Friday shopping Thursday night. It was the first time I had been out in the Black Friday craziness on Thursday night. I have to admit, it wasn't as terrible as I expected. And, we did get some great deals.

Friday, while mom and dad slept in, the boys went for a boat ride with Uncle Brian and Papa Pat. I thought they were crazy, but seeing the boys with their life jackets over their winter coats was pretty stinkin' cute.

The kids also did some crafting with my grandma, making ornaments for their grandma's tree. And Audrey made a gingerbread dog house that was a bit of a challenge, but in the end was super cute.

After that, we headed home after lunch, did some ice skating Friday night. It was the first time Fletcher got to skate with full hockey pads, and he was ecstatic.  He was waiting with the big kids ready to jump out on the ice. And, for the first time, he didn't freak out when he fell down. He did struggle getting up tough, and by the end of the session, he was exhausted.

Saturday and Sunday, we worked on getting the house decorated for Christmas. We took it slow and didn't get in a hurry, which made it much more enjoyable for me. I think Billy just wanted to get it done, so I appreciate him being patient and letting me just enjoy it. Our house really does look beautiful decorated for Christmas, and I love that the whole family gets to be part of the process of making it look that way.I am also thankful that Billy didn't fall off of the ladder helping put the star and ornaments on top of the tree.

Here's to another amazing holiday season! I pray that our focus will be in the proper place and that the stress of all the events and activities won't cause us to lose sight of what really matters.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. -Isaiah 9:6

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