Sunday, December 29, 2019

Blues Game Fun

We had the opportunity to go to a Blues game today. It was their 8th win in a row, and it's always great to see a win. It's also the first game we've been to this season. AND, Barrett played at the first intermission.  Since it was an afternoon game, it meant

Since Barrett was playing, our families came to watch as well. It was awesome to see Macie watch the Blues, even if we couldn't get her to cheer "Let's Go Blues."

Fletcher did try to show her how to do it though. He kept cheering constantly during the first period.

At the end of the first period while we were anxiously waiting for intermission so we could see Barrett play, Fletcher started getting tired. The game started at 2, which is right in the middle of nap time. He told me he wanted to go home, so even though he insisted he didn't want to nap, I knew he was wanting to drive in the car so he could sleep.  After dealing with his excessive hyperactive behavior for the entire intermission, he actually managed to fall asleep in his chair for most of the 2nd and 3rd periods. And, not long after him, Macie fell asleep too.

And, as for Barrett, well, he had fun. He did not score any goals this year despite really good effort. He was pretty disappointed about that, but I think that's mostly because he didn't get to pick whatever he wanted from the concession stand. I am so proud of him though for finding something he enjoys, trying hard at it, and sticking with it. It is so fun to see how much he loves playing hockey. 

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