Sunday, November 3, 2019

Happy Halloween

It's been a while since my last post. I thought about trying to do a post to catch up on everything from the past 2 months. Instead, I decided to start with the most recent and try to stay more on top of the blog from here on out.

So, let's start with Halloween. This year, the boys jumped on the Avengers bandwagon and went as the frenemies Iron Man and Captain America. Audrey, however, decided to go a completely different route and dress up as a sloth. Her costume was a onesie that was basically a pair of pajamas, but as cold as it was on Halloween, it actually worked out in her favor. She was out trick or treating twice as long as her brothers, who got cold and wanted to come inside.

Before we left to go to our friends' house, I did manage to get a picture of all of the kids together. At first, I was really annoyed by the fact that no one was cooperating with my photography efforts, but after I looked through the photos I did get, I ended up finding this one extremely amusing. I guess sometimes the best pictures are the ones you don't plan.

The kids went trick or treating around our friends' neighborhood and got tons of candy.  In St. Louis, it's a tradition to tell a joke to get candy, so I can only guess they had really good jokes.  I was really surprised that even Fletcher got in on the joke action. He made up his own joke. When asked for a joke, he'd say "Captain America fights jokes with his shield."  I have no idea where he came up with it, but it is so amazing o so many levels.

All in all, we had an awesome Halloween. It is hard to believe that Audrey is almost to an age where she won't be able to trick or treat anymore. I need to enjoy these days while I can and not take them for granted. Sometimes the days are tough to get through , but nights like this past Thursday are a great reminder of just how blessed I am to be surrounded by such a wonderful family.

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