Saturday, November 23, 2019

All The Recitals

This weekend we had the great opportunity to watch our kids perform in front of an audience after working since August to prepare. Both Audrey and Barrett had a piano recital last night, and Audrey had her dance recital today. I have to admit, I always find myself beaming with pride as my kids take the stage. Even if they mess up a bit, I know how hard they've worked AND I know how scary it can be to step up on that stage. So, I can't help but want to shout "that's my kid" to the other spectators when they take the stage (and just to be clear, I don't say it, but I am sure the camera and smile on my face still give it away).

So first, the piano recital. Both kids did very well. I was really concerned about Audrey's performance, because just 2 weeks ago she was still struggling quite a bit with her piece. In the end, however, she pulled through and did a remarkable job.

Barrett was really anxious going into the recital. He was jittery and having trouble sitting still. However, during his performance he was focused and calm. Even a premature applause didn't throw him off.

Overall, the piano recital was very well done. We really appreciate everything the kids are learning about music and performing in front of a audience.

Today, Audrey had her dance performance. I must admit, she really looked like she was having fun. One of the pieces was a Nutcracker medley that I could tell she was really into and having a great time performing.  Watching her dance is a reminder of just how much she's growing up. I watch the preschool and kindergarten kids, and it brings back memories of when Audrey was that age. She's no longer wearing the pink leotards with soft little skirts.  The black leotard against the pink tights and her long legs makes her look so mature!

And, you may be wondering, what was Fletcher doing during all of the recitals?  Well, driving momma crazy...that's what. Here are some outtakes where he was playing with my phone. Oh, and he did insist on wearing a straw hat to the piano recital, because "his head was cold." At least he had the right idea.

Even though it's been a packed weekend, I am grateful that we can now go into the holidays with fewer events to fit in. I am hopeful that will allow for more time to really embrace and enjoy the season!

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