Thursday, August 8, 2019

Let's Get Away

We took a mini vacay down to Lake of the Ozarks this past weekend (well, we made it a little longer than a weekend).

The first day, we took a long boat ride down to the new Margaritaville Landshark restaurant on the Lake. The day started out overcast, but it ended up clearing up and getting warmer as the day progressed.  After lunch, we decided to cove out and swim while Fletcher napped. The kids made friends with some of the local ducks, and then we headed back to the Lake house.

The next couple of days were the weekend, so we stayed close to home. The weather was pleasant for July, which meant the kids did a little bit of swimming, but also wanted to do other outdoor activities like crafts. drawing and playing in the swing. They also made tents on the patio. Barrett's craft was boat made out of aluminum beer bottles, popsicle sticks, balloons, and more hot glue than he probably needed.

The kids also found time for an epic squirt gun/water balloon fight. There was no clear winner, only a clear!

The last day of our vacation, we started the day with a plan.  We had made blueberry muffins, loaded up the boat, and were heading to the other end of the lake to go to a restaurant that has waterslides. As we were loading the boat, Tripper decided that he wanted to go. The kids decided they were willing to forgo the waterslides if it meant their pup could join them for the day, so Tripper hopped on board the boat and away we went.

Our first stop was lunch and swimming in the pool at Dog Days. Tripper was remarkably good. He didn't bark, stayed put, and hardly anyone even noticed he was there.

After we left there, while Fletcher and Tripper napped, we headed on down the lake. Before we knew it, we'd made it all the way to Ha Ha Tonka State Park. We swam for a bit, and then when Fletcher woke up, we decided to make the hike to the top of the hill. The hike up was shady and pretty pleasant, especially around the blue lagoon. It really is a beautiful place.

The kids did a great job of getting up the hill, and so did Tripper. We were all definitely tired once we got to the top, but the kids were real troopers and only complained a little :) Once we saw the castle ruins though, Fletcher did not stop asking questions the entire hike back down to the water. If I wasn't so tired from carrying him half the way, I might have been more frustrated. Instead, I just explained, at least 15 times, how the castle burned down and why no one lived there anymore.

By the time we got back to the boat, it was nearly dinner time, so we decided to find another place to grab dinner instead of eating the pizza we'd planned to make for dinner at the house. It didn't take long for Tripper to pick a comfy spot to nap. I think he may have been even more tired than the rest of us! 

After dinner, we got to finish out our vacation with a beautiful sunset cruise home. It was definitely a long day, but it was a fantastic way to close out our time at the lake, and our summer.  That's right, school starts next week! 

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