Wednesday, January 16, 2019


I totally jinxed myself in that last post.  I flippantly asked the fates for something bad to happen.  And it did.  Billy left last Tuesday morning.  By bedtime on Tuesday, I could barely get the kids to bed before falling into bed myself.  The next morning, it was clear that I was not able to function and called in sick.  After a quick test, the doctor quickly diagnosed me with influenza A and send me on my way with some tamiflu and instructions for plenty of fluids and rest. The rest was no issue, as I could barely lift my head for two days until my fever broke.

Over a week later, I am still in recovery mode.  I am booking 9 to 10 hours of sleep a night and I am still struggling to get through the day without a nap.  I have a lingering cough, and my appetite still hasn't returned.  The flu is no joke people!

Fletcher got sick on Sunday, although his symptoms seem to be much less severe. He was pretty out of it the first day, but since Monday, he's been back to his normal self. The other members of our household have come out unscathed so far.

So, the moral of the story is...don't post anything in this blog about Billy being out of town until he's back!

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