Saturday, December 15, 2018

Christmas Spirit

It seems like every year I have a post sometime during the month of December talking about how I am trying to get into the Christmas spirit.  I write about my desire to slow down and enjoy the season and not get so caught up in the business of it all. I always say it, and I always try, and I always do...well...ok...ish.

This year is no different.  Billy has been traveling every week for work.  The kids have activities basically every day of the week (ok, only 5 out of 7). All of the normal holiday activities and events are scattered throughout the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  There is the dog that wants to chew on trees presents ornaments tree skirts garland bows all of the Christmas things. I have to admit, it's a lot and it is starting to stress me out just typing the list!

But, this year, I am trying to take a slightly different perspective.  Why?  Because I can't slow down enough to soak up every moment and embody the Christmas spirit the way that all of the sappy Christmas movies make me think I should.  Instead, I am trying to do a better job of enjoying the hustle and bustle and infusing fun where I can. I guess you could say I am just learning to embrace the chaos and keep things simple. Making the last minute run for something at Target with tired, crabby kids in tow is much more interesting when you act like you are in mission impossible and walk quickly through the store, ducking around the isles. The kids and other shoppers think I am crazy, but I'd rather be crazy and having fun than be crazy mad, yelling at my arguing kids.

I am also embracing online shopping like never before. I used to try to take each child one on one so they could pick out gifts for each other because I wanted to enjoy that one on one time with each of them. It was nearly impossible to find that time to do that though, and the older they get and the more activities they're in, the harder it is.  So, this year, I just had one come to the computer at a time to pick something out on Amazon.  What I've discovered there is that they also are more thoughtful about the gifts because they can't just walk down the isles looking at stuff to get ideas.

I've also been trying on some new traditions for size. For one, I ordered us all matching Christmas pajamas this year.  The kids absolutely love them.  In fact, I caught Barrett pulling his out of the dirty clothes to wear them again. I am not sure if it is because they are soft and warm (because they are), or if it is because they secretly like wearing matching clothes (although none will admit to it, except maybe Fletcher).  So, tonight we all put on our pajamas before dinner, and after dinner, we watched a Christmas movie together.  It is simple and uncomplicated, but the kids loved it.  I enjoyed having both of my boys curled up in my arms while Audrey and Tripper snuggled with their dad.  I hope it's just the beginning of a long-lasting tradition (as long as Billy will tolerate the matching family pajamas). And it wasn't enjoyable because it was perfect or complicated.  In fact, it was so simple that it almost doesn't seem like it's worth mentioning. But, that's the beauty of it.  And that's what I need to do more of. I want to embrace the beauty of the Christmas spirit that exists in the smallest moments, not just the big ones.

So, here's to a fabulous Christmas 2018 and all of the crazy, chaotic, small, lovely moments that it will bring into our lives!

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