Sunday, November 18, 2018

Chitty Chatty

When Audrey and Barrett started talking, I was so happy.  They could finally communicate what they wanted and needed instead of just screaming.  I felt so much better able to help meet their needs. It totally changed parenting for me...for the better.

Fletcher started talking right on target with development for his age.  It was also a lot of fun to see him learn to communicate verbally.  The way he mispronounces words or calls multiple things the same name (i.e. boat) has been just adorable.  But now, he NEVER STOPS TALKING!!!  I am pretty sure that every thought that comes into his head he feels the need to say out loud. And when he says it, he keeps repeating it until you acknowledge that you've heard what he's saying.

At times, this makes me want to scream.  At others, I use it to my advantage, because he also likes to repeat things.  So, we've been teaching him some fun things so that he'll look cool in front of his friends (and ours).  Here's one sample of one of the latest things we've taught him. Enjoy!

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