Sunday, December 16, 2018

So Much to Do...And So Much We've Done!

The past few weeks have been packed with tons of activities.  Barrett actually said to me as we were driving home for the final time yesterday that he felt like all we did was drive around all day.  Then, I asked him what I keep trying to ask myself, "Would you rather have just stayed home all day?"  And the answer, as expected, was a quick, aggressive, "NO."  Then, we took a few minutes to recount all of the people we got to see and fun we had.  In that spirit, this post is going to recount some of the awesome events and activities of the past few weeks.

Audrey's Dance Recital came earlier than normal this year, but that was actually very helpful. It was the weekend before Thanksgiving, so we didn't have to rearrange other holiday events around it.  Audrey did a fantastic job.  It has been fun to watch her grow as a dancer over the years.


The Piano Recital for Audrey and Barrett was the weekend after Thanksgiving.  Nothing gets one in the Christmas spirit like hearing your child learn tp play a Christmas song on the piano, measure by measure, starting in October. This year it was Deck the Halls and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I love the recitals for many reasons. It makes me so proud to see them perform because I know of all the hard work and nerve management that went into those performances.  It is such an amazing gift to be able to give my children this opportunity to learn to play!

Hockey...always hockey every weekend in between all of the other things. Barrett plays and the other kids watch.  I think that's all I need to say about that right now.

Advent Crafting was a fun activity that Audrey and I did together at our church.  She is much more crafty than I am, so I let her do the heavy lifting.  I basically just carried her creations for her. She clearly got those skills from her dad!

We launched rockets with the kids' Lego League teams two weeks ago since the projects this year are focused on space exploration.  We had a couple of mishaps, but in the end we managed to successfully shoot off and retrieve both the boys and the girls rockets.

The Slalom Holiday Party was a nice break or Billy and I to spend some time together without the kids.  The theme was Age of Innovation (think Great Gatsby), so we went all out. I was really pleased with how our outfits turned out.  We looked like we just stepped out of a 1920s speakeasy.

We did Christmas with the Kirchers (my  mom's family) last weekend.  Unfortunately, I was so caught up in chatting and enjoying the company, that I took no pictures.  Seriously...I took none.  Not even bad ones.  It was great to see everyone though. For a few years, we only had one or two small kids, but now we have a bunch (7 under 10 to be exact).  It is so much fun to see them play together!

Parent Participation Week at Audrey's dance school was a little fun thrown in the mix on a week night last week.  I only went to 1 of the 3 technique classes she attends each week, but one was enough for me. Even though I work out a few times a week, I was still sore after the dance class.  I definitely have a lot more respect for how tired Audrey is when she gets home after dance!

Basketball has also started up again for Barrett. He has one practice and one game a week, but with everything going on, it has been tough to make it to all of them.   His speed has improved since last year as has his hand eye coordination.  He has pretty good hustle too; I think he gets that from the hockey.

The St. Louis Symphony did a Home alone concert, and Billy and Audrey went on a double father-daughter date with some friends.  Even though I am slightly jealous, I am glad they got to spend the time together to enjoy one of the best soundtracks of all time played live.

And Fletcher, well, he just gets dragged to all of the different activities.  He is starting to be more assertive about when he wants to go, and when he doesn't.  At least he's still small enough I can carry him (barely)! He's also pretty good at finding ways to entertain himself once we're there.

We've got 8 more days to go until the big event, and there will be plenty more festivities to enjoy between now and then.  Here's to staying merry and focusing on the wonderful gifts God has given us!   

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