Thursday, November 15, 2018

Snow Day

Yesterday, the forecasts were all predicting a good amount of snow last night and today.  Given the track record for these types of things actually happening, I was extremely skeptical. As we were going to bed last night, the two older children were extremely hyper.  I realized that Audrey had found some list online of how to increase your chances of getting a snow day, and the two of them were sneaking around doing it.  They wore their pajamas backwards, put a spoon under their pillows, and put an orange by the window.  I was chuckling the entire time.  Barrett was all about it, but Audrey was trying to hide that she was doing it.  

But then, it actually happened.  We got several inches of snow overnight and into today. My children can claim responsibility, but I am not sure how putting an orange by the window helped at all.  

Nonetheless, the kids ended up having a fun day.  While I shoveled the driveway first thing this morning, they played in the snow.  They built snowmen and went over to the park to play.

Since I was shoveling the driveway, the kids did the snowmen primarily by themselves, and they did a great job.  I still love the snowmen making kits that they got as gifts for Christmas a few years back!  We don't always get to use them, so it was awesome that we were able to get them out so early in the season this year! 

When the kids went to the park, they got creative.  I thought slides were fun anyway, but I guess they are more fun when you can land in a pile of snow. 

Fletcher didn't quite know what to make of the snow. At first, he was afraid to walk in in.  After a bit, he got more comfortable and would walk in it holding my hand.  The whole time though he was just excited to be out in the falling snow taking it all in.  At one point he was following me on the driveway while I was shoveling just repeating, "It snowing." 

The dogs had to get into the action too.  All day, Tripper just wanted to be outside frolicking in the snow.  After the first time I let the dogs out, I noticed that Stella was more covered in snow than Tripper, even though he was the one running around like crazy.  After the second time I let them out, I realized that was because Tripper was running up and practically sliding into her, giving her a face full of snow each time.  She didn't seem to mind though.  

After playing outside until we were pretty cold, the kids came back inside and had some nice warm hot chocolate.  I even had the kind with marshmellows in it to make it extra tasty.  The funniest part is that Fletcher refused to try it.  He just wanted a cup of milk.

We finished off the day with a movie after dinner.  The snow got the kids in the Christmas spirit, so we had to watch a Christmas movie.  And, since dad wasn't home, I let them! 

All in all, I think the kids had a pretty fun snow day.  The fact that it's already snowing like this in November makes me a little bit nervous for the rest of the season, but maybe by the end of it we'll all get better at building snowmen.  

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