Sunday, September 16, 2018

Slow Down!

The past few weeks we've been trying to get back into the swing of the school routine, which includes going through clothes to pull out the ones that don't fit, getting all of the new stuff for the year (supplies, books, clothes), and just getting to all of the activities.  Whilst doing all of these things, it has really started to hit me just how big my children have gotten.  I know it sounds cliché, but I can't help it!

The growth is so obvious when they are babies and even toddlers.  Fletcher, for instance learns new words and phrases every day; today he learned "Voltron is Awesome!" thanks to his older siblings.  But for the older two, while the physical growth continues to be obvious, the intellectual and emotional growth is much more subtle.  I guess that's why when I do notice it, I am just so proud of the people they've come to be and continue to become.

Audrey isn't only able to wear women's sized shoes, but she's also had to start washing her face each evening.  She does her hair on her own almost every day.  Every time I see her with Fletcher and other younger children, I am just amazed by how caring and helpful she is.  This morning during a fire drill at church she was walking out holding the hands of 2 toddlers (one of them was Fletcher) in order to help out the teachers.  While we were shopping the other day, I saw a cute skirt and she said, "you already have a lot of skirts like that.  Do you need it or just want it?" Seriously!  When did she start thinking so logically about things?

Barrett is also becoming much more independent.  He has always looked to Audrey when he was in an unfamiliar situation or needed help.  Now, he is becoming much more interested in hanging out with his friends instead of just following his sister around.  He continues to read better and better, and I am genuinely astonished by how well he is picking up new piano songs.  He knows the notes so well now!

I am so blessed to get to play momma for these two amazing children.  I can't wait to see what new and amazing things they learn this coming year.  I just hope they don't grow up too fast!

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