Sunday, August 26, 2018

Dog Day

In honor of National Dog Day, I am doing a post about the dogs. Let's be honest.  For as cute and loyal as they are, they don't get as much love as the little humans.  Although, Tripper is just so freakin' adorable that he has really helped me step up my Instagram game.

Speaking of Tripper, he is continuing to get bigger each day.  Now he isn't really getting taller as much as he is just filling out.  His body is finally catching up with his head and paws.

Tripper also LOVES to swim.  We can't keep him out of the water when we're at the lake. The kids don't know what to do much of the time because they're not used to a dog that wants to swim with them and not just retrieve toys.  Granted, Tripper swims so much that he passes out really hard.  So, the trick is to get him to want to take a nap before we leave so he'll go in the house and dry off before we get in the car to come home.

It still surprises me just how much Stella has slowed down this year.  I know part of it is the comparison with the super-active puppy, but I still think she's getting less active. She doesn't want to swim as much as she used to.  I think it's because her arthritis is getting pretty bad.  Don't even think about touching her legs for the couple of days after she's been swimming a lot.  So, she has taken to lounging a lot more than she is playing these days.

Even is she's slowing down, Stella is still my first baby girl.  Her shiny black coat is speckled with white hairs all over her body now.  She still loves to snuggle and be petted too.  I'd say she's doing pretty well for 11 years old (that's 77 in Dog years!).

Happy National Dog Day to my two playful pups!  And, I can't forget to mention the pup that first made me a dog mom.'s been almost a year since you left us and we still miss you so much.  Tripper reminds us a lot of you, but no dog could ever replace you.

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