Sunday, August 19, 2018

Back to School

The kids went back to school this week...well, the two that go to school that is.  Audrey started 4th grade and Barrett started 1st.  This year felt very easy breezy compared to last year when Barrett was entering kindergarten.  They both know the routine and there isn't much to figure out. Barrett even has the same teacher Audrey had in first grade, so we only have 1 teacher to get to know too!  It's more of just getting back into the school routine.

The first step in any good school routine is lots of first day pictures.  Audrey gives me a hard time for taking so many pictures.  I want to remember what my kids were like at this point in their lives though, and the first day of school is a perfect opportunity to go all out paparazzi on them.

First, we had the crazy photo that I feel shows the true emotions of a brother/sister relationship.  Please note that the umbrella isn't just a prop; it rained all day so Audrey had the umbrella to keep them dry at the bus stop.

Fletcher wanted in on the action too.  When I was leaving to take the older kids to school, Fletcher had a meltdown.  I think he believed he was going too.

Now, when we got to school, I managed to get the teacher's to participate in the photos as well.  Barrett was getting a bit camera shy at that point, but Ms. Koch still managed to make him smile.

And the final tradition is the picture by the Westchester sign.  We actually got this after dinner, when the rain had finally stopped.  Barrett is standing in the middle because it was too muddy for him to stand to the side.  And, heaven forbid he stand right next to his sister!

All in all, I'd say we had a successful photo...I mean first day of school!

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