Monday, March 12, 2018

Sunny Days

It never ceases to amaze me what sunshine can do to lift my mood.  In the winter it is cold outside, the sun is often down before I get home from work, and I find it much more difficult to stay positive when challenges arise. As we move toward spring and the days get longer, I am looking forward to spending more time outside in the sunshine.  I enjoy feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin.  I love how the warmth of the sun thaws the ground in the spring and the earth erupts with color.  Seeing the sunlight illuminate the vibrant colors of the nature that God has created humbles my heart.  Maybe that's why it is so much easier to push through the challenges of life without letting them get me down when I can see the sun shining.

As I ponder the impact of the physical sun on my mental state, I can't help but be struck by how this is also a metaphor for the heavenly Son.  When I don't spend much time in the Word or prayer, I feel off balance.  Challenges seem insurmountable, and I begin to despair.  Yet, when I let the light of Jesus shine in my life, the weight of the world starts to melt away.  And there, in the midst of the hurt, frustration, and struggle, the light of Christ warms my heart and opens my eyes to the vibrant opportunity to glorify God.  I am by no means perfect at this, but I always seek to live in the light of the Son.

So, as we enter another spring season, I pray that God will help me to see the good in the world around me instead of dwelling on the bad.  I pray that I'll make the most of the opportunities to spend quality time with my family, and that I'll have the gentle spirit to be patient and find humor in all of the bumps along the road.

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