Sunday, March 18, 2018

Puppy Days

It has been almost 3 months since we got Tripper.  He has grown so much that I've almost started to forget what he looked like as a little pup when we brought him home right before Christmas.  In those three months though, there is no doubt that he has become a part of the family.  I think we've all grown pretty attached to him, even Stella.  It's funny, because when he first came home, Stella wasn't all that pleased to have him around, but now, I think she'd miss him.  He's learned when to stay away from her and not to bother her when she's eating, and she even likes to run with him in the yard.  

Tripper couldn't be better with the kids.  He and Barrett could run around chasing each other and rough-housing all day.  The hardest thing with Barrett's broken arm has been for him to not run around with Tripper. 

Fletcher is better with keeping Tripper in check than the other kids.  He will assertively tell Tripper "No, bad" if he does something Fletcher doesn't like.  Every once in a while Tripper's puppy teeth will catch on one of Fletcher's hands when they're playing though, and then Fletcher bursts into tears and hides from Tripper until he's calmed himself down. 

Audrey likes to play with Tripper, but she likes him most when he's sleepy and cuddly.  If we're watching a movie, those two are snuggled up on the couch together.  

Overall, Tripper has been a good dog, but he's still a puppy and still being trained.  He still isn't completely house trained, but has at least reached the point where he knows he's made a mistake when he does have an accident in the house.  I think he just gets so distracted when he's outside that he forgets to take care of business; he seriously just loves to be outside.  Sometimes, he just lays in the grass when we let him outside (after tearing around the yard like crazy for 5 minutes, of course).  This week, he started digging in the mulch we just put down around the landscaping in the back yard.  Part of me thinks that Stella is the one that gives him the idea, and then he's the one that just follows through and gets in trouble.  Tripper will also jump up on the table and get food if no one else is in the kitchen.  He's learned not to do it when we're around, but he isn't afraid to seize the opportunity when no one is looking.  

Tripper's laid back and friendly personality hasn't changed since the day we got him.  I am very thankful for that, because as big as his head and paws are, I think he is going to be a pretty big boy!  He is so long now, he can stretch out across the entire couch.  He is currently the same height and length as Stella, but he hasn't completely filled out.  

I am really looking forward to continuing to watch Tripper grow.  As much as he loves being outside, I know he's going to love the lake this summer. He's really brought a lot of joy to our family.  He'll never replace Jack, but he's definitely solidified his place as part of this family.  

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