Tuesday, October 10, 2017

18 Months

Today you're 18 months old.  Looking at you though, I am pretty sure most people would guess you to be closer to 2.  You barely fit in 18 month clothes, which your big brother didn't do until halfway through the winter.  I have tons of winter clothes that I don't think you'll ever wear, because I expect you'll probably outgrow them before it is cold enough to wear them.

Your physical growth is likely a result of all of the food you eat.  And boy, can you eat.  I find myself taking a lot of photos of you eating, because it is just crazy sometimes the things you'll eat and how you eat them.  A couple of weeks ago, I had baked chicken breasts for dinner.  We cut up part of one for you and put it on your plate, but you refused to eat it.  You just kept pointing at the tray that held the remaining chicken that no one had claimed yet.  So, we gave you an entire chicken breast that wasn't cut up, and you ate it.  Your initial approach of putting on your fork didn't work for long, so you eventually just picked it up and took bites off of it.  I appreciate that you wanted to use our silverware, but I hope you'll figure out soon that using silverware is easier when your food it bite sized.

In addition to your physical growth is your continued intellectual growth. Every day you surprise us with new words.  Just yesterday you mastered saying "Nemo" and "Buffett," the names of your Nana and Papa's dogs.  You've gotten past calling all motor vehicles boats and now say "car" in reference to cars and trucks.  I think you're still learning what some of the words you say mean, as you continue to call Stella both Stella and Jack.  I think that in your mind, Jack means dog.  It's not surprising that so many of your words revolve around animals though, because you love animals.  If we see a dog at the park, you immediately start squealing with delight and clapping your hands.  You continue to b extremely gentle with them, but your high-pitched squeals don't always put them at ease.

You continue to adore both of your siblings.  Audrey still babies you while Barrett has started to play with you like a rough boy.  Sometimes you like it, but sometimes you really don't.  They've also found that you aren't always the best playmate, and will sometimes try to keep you out of their rooms so you won't mess up their toys.  You don't care for that very much, because you just love to be around your big siblings.

You've really start to play a lot more than you used to.  It's still more parallel play than interactive play, but it's clear that you're learning more and more each day.  You love looking at books, playing with legos, playing "hockey" (which is just using a small hockey stick to push around a tennis ball), and you love blocks.   Oh, and did I mention that you slobber constantly?

You also have a newfound fascination with shoes.  You really like putting your shoes on and taking them off.  You also love playing in mommy and daddy's shoes.  You'll play with your siblings shoes as well, but given the choice, you go for the biggest shoes available.  You do your best to shuffle around in them, acting like a big boy.

You're also infatuated with the vacuum  cleaner.  We have to store it in the garage most of the time now, because you will go into the closet and either sit in there with it or get it out of the closet all by yourself.  You then proceed to push it around the house making vacuum cleaner noises.

You've reached that age where many things cause you to erupt in a tantrum out of frustration.  If someone says "no" to you, immediate you fall to the ground crying the biggest alligator tears possible and screaming at the top of your lungs.  This also occurs when someone leaves against your will or takes away food that you were planning to eat.

I am so glad that you're a part of our family.  People often ask me how it is having 3 kids.  I tell them it's crazy, busy, and wonderful.  I can't imagine our family without you. You're growing fast, and I am so exited to see your little personality emerge.  I love you lots my little Fletchy Fletch.

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