Sunday, June 25, 2017

Summer Fun

Summer commenced in the Nance household in a relaxed, unassuming manner.  But, as usual, it has picked up speed, which leads to non-stop fun with very little downtime.  We've had a lot of fun visiting the lakes and seeing friends and family.  Since last summer, Fletcher is so much more active and interested in everything around him, which makes those moments at the lake even more enjoyable.  Here are a few highlights from all of our recent lake fun.

Fletcher wants to be just like his big siblings, so I feel like he is doing much more than his siblings did at his age.  I think he also just gets away with more because he's the youngest.  He loves throwing the toys in the water for the dogs.  We also have to watch him like a hawk, because he'll try to get in the water by himself without a second thought. I actually caught him by the handle on his life jacket once when he was just stepping off theside of the walk-way.  Thank goodness I was in the right place at the right time!

Audrey has been really interested in the kayak this summer.  Barrett isn't very coordinated with the paddle yet, so he prefers to ride with her.  Yet again, Fletcher is doing things that neither of his siblings did at his age.  He actually loves riding in the kayak with Audrey and on the paddle board wtih me. 

Barrett is becoming much more independent, but he still loves to snuggle wtih his momma.  I hope he never gives that up!  He does show his independence now, however, by refusing to smile for photos.  The one of him with his papa took me whitholding dessert after dinner until he let me snap a picture.  He was pretty proud of his outfit though (which he picked out himself) because it looked like his papa. 

The newest feature on the boat dock this summer was a joint birthday gift for both Audrey and Barrett from their grandparents.  It is a waterslide.  They are really enjoying playing on it.  It did take Barrett a while to warm up to the idea, but we did finally get him to try it out.  Once he got down it once without incident, it was much easier to convince him to go again.

When they're not in the water, the kids love to just be outside.  I love to see them just being kids and enjoying the outdoors.  Audrey, in particular, is obsessed with finding pets...more specifically, roly poly bugs.  She is very creative with the containers she uses as their houses.  I belive at one point she had as many as 20 of them in captivity at one time.

There is just something about the water that relaxes you.  I love napping by the water, and both of my sonds have inherited that desire.  Boat rides are like a tranquilizer for these boys, but Fletch will also nap on the dock when it is rocking a bit in the waves.

When we were in Greenville, we were fortunate enough to have our friends the Hiltons join us and to visit with my friend Heidi. It is so amazing to see our kids playing and having fun together.  I love those moments and the memories they're making together, so I do my best to take lots of photos.  Trying to get 7 kids in pictures is a challenge!


Finally, I'd be remiss if I did a blog post on our summer lake time without mentioning the standups.  Over the winter, my husband and his dad (with "assistance" from the kids) rebuilt a standup jetski for the kids to ride.  My dad also bought an Octane jetski for the older kids.  So, we now have 2 standups in addition to the one Billy already had at Lake O that we've been trailering back and forth across the state of Missouri.  Oh, and I can't forget to mention the one that is currently sitting on my garage floor waiting to be sold.  The kids love their new standup though, and it is a lot of fun to see them ride it.  We also convinced my dad to ride the Octane.

Whew!  That is a lot of photos!  This summer has definitely been fun so far, and I can't wait to see what else it holds!

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