Thursday, July 6, 2017

Acting Like Kids Again

Last week, Bill and Lana took our kids for a whole week.  They spent the week at Lake of the Ozarks with them, a tradition they started a couple of years ago.  They were kind enough to take all 3 kids this year too including Fletcher, which I think I was more nervous about than they were.  Based on the pictures I saw on Facebook, the brief phone conversations I had with the kids that week, and the number of stories they told me within hours of our reuniting, I'd say they had a pretty fantastic time. 

On the flip side, Billy and I were completely kid-free for 7 whole days.  I can't remember the last time that happened.  Seriously.  We took a trip to New England 2 years ago, but then we were only gone 5 days.  To make it even more unusual, we were the ones at home that whole time.  When they were gone on the weekend, it was eerily quiet.  To be honest, I was a little lonely.  Billy and I did some furniture shopping (which our kids hate...just ask them what their least favorite activity is).  We went and sat at a bar and had a couple of drinks together.  We went out to dinner with friends. We went to church and got in and out of there in record time because we weren't picking up or dropping off kids in Sunday School or the nursery.  By Sunday night, I was ready to have them home.

Then, we started the work week.  The next 5 days went by so quickly It's like I blinked and they were over.  We only had one night at home.  The other nights were were out with friends or at work functions.  I have to admit that staying out for a work happy hour/dinner is much more enjoyable when there is no mommy guilt attached to the outing.  I also did my devotional readings in the morning.  I know, that's the best practice anyway, but I have to be honest.  It is a challenge for me to focus and read my devotional in the morning when I know that at any second I could have drama from one of three children that could totally throw off my morning and put me behind 20 minutes.  I am more relaxed and focused when I do them at night.  But last week, I was amazed by how much more the scripture stuck with me and came to my mind throughout the day.  It's definitely a goal of mine now to make that my habit. 

Friday came, and we headed back down to the lake.  We spent the weekend and the 4th with family, which is always a great time.  It was fun to have the week "off" from momming, but I am glad to have my kiddos back home.  I'd be lying if I didn't admit I had fun acting like those hip, stylish folks with no kids and fatter wallets, but I wouldn't trade my mom status for anything.

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