Saturday, February 11, 2017

10 Months

Your 10 months old now...seriously?!  How is that possible?!  You are definitely every bit of 10 months though.  Barrett informed me a couple of days ago that you are getting really big and that even he just can't believe how much you're growing.  I am going to have to start breaking out more of the spring and summer clothes soon, because you're getting to the point where a lot of your warmer winter clothes are getting a bit snug.  Even your shoes are difficult to get on and off.

It isn't just your physical appearance that is changing.  It's becoming more and more obvious that you are well aware of what is going on in the world around you and that you have specific ideas about how you want to interact with that world.  You can crawl from one room to the next at lightening speed it seems.  You pull up on everything.  You open cabinet doors and inspect the contents.  You actually "play" with your siblings now watching and imitating everything they do.  You love making noises with your brother and sister and giggling when they imitate them. 

One of your favorite toys right now are these toddler-sized hockey sticks that your brother likes to play with.  You will carry one of those sticks around with you everywhere if we let you.  You crawl with one in your hand remarkably well.  Your go up the stairs with one in your hand. You try to use them to hit balls and duplo legos across the floor. Your dad told me that he saw you do that unprompted, but I thought it was an exaggeration.  Then, I saw you do it for myself.  My guess is that you've seen your brother use a hockey stick enough that you're just trying to imitate him.  But there is no doubt that you love doing it!

One of your more annoying traits right now is that when you're getting tired, you want to be held and you make this terrible, whiney "eh-eh" noise to make sure everyone knows you want to be held.  We've tried wearing you down by ignoring you, but you're persistent.  It doesn't help that your siblings rush to your side and try to play with you when you do this.  Mommy and daddy are forced then to give in because the attention you get from your siblings just makes you more determined to get mommy and daddy to answer your call.

Your hair is getting even longer and darker.  It gets in your eyes all of the time, so we're constantly brushing it to the side to get it out of your face.  You also have about 8 strands of hair in the back that are growing down your back.  The rest of the hair stops at the nape of your neck.  It is the weirdest, scraggliest rat tail I have ever seen.  But I just can't bear the thought of cutting your hair yet.

One of the biggest changes over the past month is all of the new foods you're trying.  You love meat.  You gobble up sausage, hamburger, pork chops, fish, chicken, and eggs.  In fact, you're my first child that will choose the protein on their plate before the carbs.  And, when you're out of meat, if we aren't quick enough to give you more, you wail until you get more.  You'll notice in the picture below that all of the meat from the pasta is gone and only noodles are left on his tray.

You're continuing to grow by leaps and bounds every single day. I can't wit to see what new skills you learn next. I love being your momma.  I love that you're part of our family now.  I love the way  you make us all laugh. I love your smoosh-face smile. I guess it would suffice to say that I love you more than you will ever know. 

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