Sunday, October 16, 2016

Seeing Clearly

I have been to the eye doctor just once in my life.  I don't think Billy has ever been.  Neither of us wear glasses, and as far as we could tell, our kids could see just fine as well.  When we took the kids for their annual checkup, the pediatrician did a routine eye test on both Audrey and Barrett.  The test showed that Barrett's eyes did not look totally normal.  So, we went to the ophthalmologist.  After his eye exam, which was customized to make it kid friendly, the doctor determined that Barrett needs glasses.  He has an astigmatism in his left eye.  After watching him do the tests, it was clear that he couldn't see as well out of his left eye, but it boggles my mind that we never noticed.  After doing some additional research, I discovered that is relatively common for children that aren't in kindergarten yet.  They grow up not knowing anything different, so they just think it's normal. 

So, yesterday, Barrett's glasses were ready to pick up.  The ones he picked are navy blue and bright greenish yellow.  They were the ones that fit him the best, and I think they're pretty cute.  They make him look so much older too! 

This is definitely a whole new world for both Billy and I.  He doesn't have to wear them when he's doing sports or sleeping, but all other times, they are on.  So far, he seems to really enjoy taking them off and putting them back on. He keeps putting his fingers all over the lenses, so then he ends up needing to clean them off constantly.  I bought a couple of extra cases on Amazon so we can have one in each car and one at school in case he needs to take them off while we're out and about.  Any pointers on how to prevent breakage and advice on any other pitfalls to avoid are greatly appreciated! 

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