Sunday, October 30, 2016

Side by Side Comparisons

When I am playing with my friends' children, it is only natural that certain expressions or mannerisms will remind me of their parents.  Even when they're babies, it's only natural to see characteristics that remind you of their mom or dad.  What I've found interesting about the third child is that the comparisons to the parents dwindle while comparisons to older siblings increase exponentially. 

Since Fletcher was born, people initially said he looked a lot like Barrett.  In the past few months, however, most people aren't quite sure who he looks like.  So, I decided it would be fun to do some side by side comparisons so you can decide for yourself. 


If you hadn't figured it out, those are in order from the oldest member of our household to the youngest.  

There is no doubt that Fletcher got Billy's crazy hair.  Aside from that, as I look at the pictures right next to each other, it is clear that our children are truly a mixture of our physical characteristics.  It is so amazing to see the way God has constructed these 3 completely unique individuals. What's even more amazing is how I much I love them all.

By Land or By Sea

This was the conversion in the car on the way home from church this morning.
Barrett:  I want a motorcycle.

Audrey: You can't get a motorcycle.   You are a kid.

Billy: Wow, Audrey.   You didn't even give your mom a chance to say no. <I give Audrey a high five> Besides, we could get a motorcycle.
Audrey: But it's not safe.

Billy: So we wear helmets.

Audrey: Well, we have cars, so we don't need a motorcycle.

Billy: So are you saying that since we have a wave runner we don't have need a boat?

Audrey: Well, we have lots of boats. We have a cruiser, a Fountain,  a stand up, a pontoon...

Billy: We don't have a cat.

Audrey: We don't want a cat.  They have litter boxes, and they smell.   We don't want our house to smell. 
Billy just got shut down by a 7 year old.  Even if he meant a catamaran boat,  it is still hilarious.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Seeing Clearly

I have been to the eye doctor just once in my life.  I don't think Billy has ever been.  Neither of us wear glasses, and as far as we could tell, our kids could see just fine as well.  When we took the kids for their annual checkup, the pediatrician did a routine eye test on both Audrey and Barrett.  The test showed that Barrett's eyes did not look totally normal.  So, we went to the ophthalmologist.  After his eye exam, which was customized to make it kid friendly, the doctor determined that Barrett needs glasses.  He has an astigmatism in his left eye.  After watching him do the tests, it was clear that he couldn't see as well out of his left eye, but it boggles my mind that we never noticed.  After doing some additional research, I discovered that is relatively common for children that aren't in kindergarten yet.  They grow up not knowing anything different, so they just think it's normal. 

So, yesterday, Barrett's glasses were ready to pick up.  The ones he picked are navy blue and bright greenish yellow.  They were the ones that fit him the best, and I think they're pretty cute.  They make him look so much older too! 

This is definitely a whole new world for both Billy and I.  He doesn't have to wear them when he's doing sports or sleeping, but all other times, they are on.  So far, he seems to really enjoy taking them off and putting them back on. He keeps putting his fingers all over the lenses, so then he ends up needing to clean them off constantly.  I bought a couple of extra cases on Amazon so we can have one in each car and one at school in case he needs to take them off while we're out and about.  Any pointers on how to prevent breakage and advice on any other pitfalls to avoid are greatly appreciated! 

Monday, October 10, 2016

6 Months Old

Today you have officially been part of our family for half of a year.  10/10 will henceforth be known as your half-birthday.  This past month, your rate of growth and development has accelerated.  Most notabily, you went up from the 30th percentile in weight to the 50th percentile, because you now eight in at a whopping 17 pounds 6 ounces.  That means that it is now really hard to carry you around in your pumpkin seat.  You also continue to be in the 95th percentile for length, so that means you are almost too long for the pumpkin seat already too! I checked out Barrett's information from his 6 month checkup, and you've surpassed him in length now and have almost caught up to him in weight. 

I must attribute some of your recent weight gain to the introduction of solid foods...well, pureed solid foods.  You LOVE rice cereal and baby food.  The first food you had was squash, and since then you've sampled quite a fruits and vegitables.  So far, we've only found that you don't really care for peas.  Everything else you gobble up as quickly as I can get the spoon in your mouth. 

You sit up really well.  And when you are sitting, anything within your reach is fair game.  You've even managed to knock over your sister's orange juice when she set it too close to you at the table.  Your curiousity and inclination to grab everything and put it in your mouth is both fun and frustrating at the same time.  It is fun to see how you inspect different toys and the joy you get when you manage to get them in your mouth. It is frustrating when you start to put things in your mouth that you shouldn't, like legos and the dog's ear.  We never had to worry about the small legos with your older siblings, so keepig those out of your grasp will definitely be a new challenge for us. 
You love to be loud.  Whether it is banging a rattle on the table while we're out to eat or just making loud vocal noises, you always find a way to make your presence known.  I guess that is the third child coming out in you.  It is fun to hear all of the sounds you're making.  Your daddy insists that you are already saying momma, but I am not convinced.  I just think you can make the "m" sound and really enjoy doing it.  Your brother and sister love trying to predict what you will say first.  They are both still enamored with you, unless you're crying.  You still don't cry all that much though, so they like you the vast majority of the time.  You are never starved for attention, that's for sure. 
The biggest surprise I've had with you is that you still like pacifiers.  Neither of your older siblings at this point still liked pacifiers at this age, so I am not entirely sure what we did differently, but we always have to keep one around for you.  I have seen you get your thumb in your mouth a few times, but it is more for play.  When you are sleepy, you want a binky..and sometimes you want one even when you're not.
Oh, and I forgot to mention the drool.  There is lots of drool.  That's why you are wearing a bib in almost every photo I have of you.
I know the next few months are going to continue to bring us many more fun developments.  We're already starting to get a glimpse of your personality, and I can't wait to get to know you better.  I love you so much and am so thankful to call you my son.