Monday, June 13, 2016

2 Months Old

That's are already 2 months old.  You are growing every day, although your weight gain continues to be more gradual than your older siblings.  You are weighing in at just under 11 pounds, but your length continues on pace with your brother and sister.  Each day, you continue to be more and more alert.  You love being sang to and smiled at.  You almost always return a smile with a smile.  As much as I love seeing your smile, I love your pouty face too.  Your features are just so animated that the upside down arch of your lip seems to extend across your entire face. I haven't captured that pout on camera yet, but I assure you, I almost burst into laughter each time I see it because it is just so darn cute!

The feeding challenges we have resolved for the most part, but until you start gaining weight more quickly, I will continue to watch your feedings closely.  When I return to work and am pumping every day, knowing exactly how much milk your getting should help ease my mind at least a little bit.  You are doing ok with taking bottles, although we have to pace your feedings so your reflux doesn't cause you to spit up everything you just ate. 

I can tell you are the third child, because you don't know what to do when you are alone.  You always want to be held or have someone talking to you.  Fortunately, you have two older siblings that just adore you and are happy to help keep you entertained.  When your brother and sister giggle, I can tell that you want to laugh too, but you aren't sure how.  You just smile really big and coo quietly.  I am sure we will hear your laugh very soon though.  As much as you love your siblings, I still think you're definitely momma's boy.  If I walk away and then return, as soon as you hear my voice, your head whips around and you are looking for me.  I am trying to savor each of those moments, because before long, I'll be back and work, and you'll keep getting more and more independent. 

In the past few days, you have really started to try to find your hands.  It is funny to watch, because you often miss your target, which I believe is getting your fingers in your mouth. Your little arms and legs are just moving so much.  I have a feeling you'll be getting into everything in no time!

You are a baby that travels...a lot.  It is predominately local shopping, running your sister to dance or piano, picking up your brother, or running other errands.  You have, however, ventured to the Lake of the Ozarks twice now, to Greenville once, and to Litchfield.  Thankfully, your starting to outgrow that phase where you scream every time we're in the car.  The two weeks where that was a regular occurrence almost made me lose my mind! 

I am so happy that you have joined our family.  Now that you're here, it is hard to imagine life without you.  I have enjoyed the past two months tremendously, and I can't wait for the months and years ahead.  I love you, my baby Fletcher! 

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