Monday, August 17, 2015

Big Kid Barrett

After a week away on vacation, Barrett moved to the Turtle room at his school today.  It is one of the three-year old rooms where he is transitioning from the two-year old room.  When we first started talking about it, he was resistant.  Even yesterday when we talked about it at home, he kept saying he didn't like it.  However, today when I dropped him off, after a little bit of whining and a visit to his old room to say hi to one of his previous teachers, he let me leave without any tears.  Considering that just a couple of weeks ago he threw a huge fit when I dropped him off, I was completely surprised and relieved. 

When we picked him up, he was his normal happy self.  He told us all about the big kid playground and the fun activities he did in the Turtle room.  It is so wonderful to see how he is growing and developing.  Even though it wasn't really his first day of school, it was his first day in a new classroom.  Fittingly, there is a turtle statue right outside of the door to his school where we captured his first day of school photo. 

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