Sunday, May 17, 2015


We all have those days when it is hard to see the forest through the trees. Things have been a little crazy around here the past few weeks, but fortunately, God is continually reminding us of the important things in our lives.  It's through these little blessings that he helps me maintain my sanity.  Ironically, many of those blessings come from some of the very things that can also cause the most stress: my family and my job.  So, how is it that one minute I can feel like my children are going to make me go crazy, and the next they give me a hug or make me a card that makes me forget the craziness that preceded that moment?  Perspective. 

When I get that hug, it isn't my circumstances, my mental state, or even my children that have changed.  What has changed is my perspective on what is happening around me. In that moment, I am reminded that my children are not evil minions intent on taking away my peace and sanity.  Instead, they are young human beings learning to find their way in the world while making some mistakes along the way.  With that reminder, I am able to refocus on the fact that God has entrusted me with rearing those young humans and helping them find their way.  I am so thankful for those moments and that God will never stop helping me refocus my perspective.

So, next time Barrett is wearing his shorts on his head instead of his bottom, I will laugh it off instead of getting stressed out and try to get some photos that aren't blurry so I can show them to his future wife someday! 

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