Friday, April 17, 2015

Yard Transformations

The first time we pulled up to what is now our house, I was completely underwhelmed by the curb appeal.  Then, when we looked at the back yard, I realized the front yard at least had something going for it.  The back yard literally had nothing...well, except grass.  No trees. No plants.  No fence. Nothing. 

For the past two years, landscaping has been on our home improvements list. The first year, we had so many other items on the list that we only got a couple of small yard tasks completed.  We tore out an overgrown evergreen by the front porch, I took the hedge trimmers to the boxwoods that frame the garage, and we planted a tree in the front yard.  We also put up a fence in the back yard. 

Last year we actually had some landscapers bid out work, but our budget and our wish list didn't match up at all.  So, continued to make some small improvements on our own to at least give the house some curb appeal, but we primarily focused on saving money up so we could do larger landscaping. 

This year, after much waiting, we were finally able to get more of the major landscaping done that we'd been hoping for.  It took longer than anticipated because of the spring rains.  However, now we have trees in the back yard, other perennials to brighten up the landscape, and a beautiful wall to break up the sloping back yard and help level it out a bit.  We are by no means done...we still have some drainage issues to work out on the side of the house, but the heavy lifting has been completed.  Now, I can't wait to just sit back and enjoy! 

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