Thursday, April 2, 2015

6 Years Old

I can hardly believe that my baby girl is six-years old tomorrow.  When you first have them, people tell you that your children will grow up so fast, and you just smile and nod wondering how the lengthy sleepless nights could ever go quickly.  Then, six-years later, you look back and smile about the advice and how true it is. 

Six years ago around this time, I was timing some minor contractions, making sure my bag was packed for the hospital, and wondering how I was going to get any sleep if the baby didn't come until the next day.  I had no idea how God would use the little human living inside of me to change me in ways I didn't know I could change. She has helped me learn to be more patient, more kind and less uptight.  She has taught me to laugh more, mostly at myself, and not be afraid to let people (especially her) see me struggle.  But, most of all, she has taught me so much about love.  We all have people in our lives we love unconditionally. When Audrey was born though, there were times when it was the easiest thing in the world to love her and others when it was the hardest.  Heck, there still are.  And because of that, God has shown me that love is not perfect, it isn't always pretty, and it definitely isn't easy.  Instead, as 1 Corinthians 13 tells us, "Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud...Love keeps no record of wrongs." 

Tonight, after the kids when to bed, I wrapped Audrey's gifts (a brightly colored basketball and a "voucher" for tickets to a show of her choice at the Muny) and then sat down with a cup of tea to write this post.  Sitting next to me on the desk is her 3rd quarter report card from kindergarten.  That's right, my daughter is in her last quarter of kindergarten.  While this school-year has been a challenge for her in many ways, she has grown dramatically. 

Her names means Noble Strength, and even though we didn't really know her when we gave her that name, it describes her well.   
  • When everyone around her (including me) was telling her she was doing things wrong, she didn't stop trying and has improved steadily.  Granted, that same strong-will is what gets her in trouble sometimes, but I hope she never loses that tenacity. 
  • Her nobility comes in the way she cares about others.  At six, she doesn't always understand the best ways to express that care, but she is learning and getting better.  When I pinched her neck while putting on her bike helmet last week, I felt so bad I was almost in tears.  So, she went into the office and made me a card so that I wouldn't feel so bad.  Now that really made me tear up.  Despite her own pain, she was more worried about how I was feeling.  Audrey's selfless love is something that makes her more beautiful to me than I could have ever imagined her to be. 
So, as I go to bed tonight on the eve of Audrey's 6th birthday, I will be thanking God for this gift that he as given me and praise Him for the joy and love she has brought to my life. 


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