Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sledding, Snowmen and Soup

After an early snow in November, we spent December and January wondering if we would go an entire winter without getting to sled or build a snowman.  Two weeks ago, we had a great snow for sledding, but it was too powdery for snowmen.  Then, yesterday afternoon, the flakes started falling.  It was a slow but steady stream of snow that lasted throughout the night.  So, after church this morning, we warmed up with homemade soup, and then ventured out into the cold, white wonderland.  The kids really enjoyed the sledding and Billy and I managed to make two snowmen.  I, of course, was toting around the camera taking photos while Billy was throwing snowballs at me.  Despite the constant bombardment, I still managed to take a few great photos of the kids.




Now that we've had our fun snow and have gotten to play in it, I am ready for spring.  After all, Easter is only a few weeks away.

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