Saturday, March 7, 2015

Audrey Lost a Tooth!

For the first time, unassisted by concrete floors and clumsiness, one of Audrey's teeth fell out.  It had been growing increasingly wiggly for over a week, and at dinner Thursday night she was complaining that it hurt.  I looked at it, and it was barely hanging on.  After dinner, Billy worked with her to get her to try to pull it out herself.  She couldn't get it done, and asked him to help her.  He took advantage of the invitation and got it out quickly.  She was so proud that she let him pull it; I guess that has not been the norm with the kids in her class.  Once it was out, we could see the new tooth already pushing through her gums.  My baby girl is growing up, and she has a permanent tooth to prove it. 

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