Monday, February 16, 2015

Time to Play

This weekend, we worked on finishing the installation of our hardwood floors.  On Saturday, as Billy and I were working to finish up, Audrey and Barrett were getting antsy.  At one point, Audrey actually asked, "Are we going to do this forever?"  I guess to an almost 6-year-old, 3 weekends in a row seems like forever.  In some ways, I am starting to feel like that too.  I like to have my house in order.  I don't like to have dust everywhere or having to wear my shoes when I am inside my own house.  Billy and I have been working while the kids entertained themselves much of the last 3 weeks, and that has been the hardest part of all of this on all of us.  The good news is, we're almost done.  We need to do some work to the trim, which should be done by next weekend.  The great news is that the floors are done, and they look great. 

Today, I was fortunate enough to have the day off for the holiday, as did the kids.  So, we're home, staying warm inside the house while the snow falls outside.  For a while, I sat down on the floor with the kids and played with Legos.  It was so nice to just relax and play. After naps, we'll probably brave the cold for a bit to romp in the snow.  I am so thankful for this extra day at home.  I think we all needed it!


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