Saturday, February 7, 2015


It has been a long week, and I am so thankful to have gotten through today.  There were many times this week when I was asking God if he was just make the constant blows subside.  For one, just after my last post, I got a stomach bug on top of my bronchitis.  I thought initially that it was a side effect of my antibiotics.  However, when Billy came down with it yesterday, I realized that it was in fact a virus I had on top of my other illness.  On top of both of us being sick at some point in the week, we both had stressful weeks at work, and Audrey had a rough week at school. 

Today I finally am feeling better, so I tried to start off by getting as much done as I could to prepare for the task of starting the floor installation today. Audrey had swim lessons and we had to run some errands, so I got to escape for a while, but when I first got back to the house I became a bit overwhelmed again.  Thankfully, we quickly got into a groove, and by the end of the day.  We had managed to lay the floors over most of the living and dining rooms.  It was a very long and extremely tiring day, but we made it.  We couldn't have done it without the help of our parents though.  Both of our dads helped lay the floors, Lana was constantly bringing them new boards, and my mom entertained the kids while we worked.  There were definitely bumps in the road, and we still have to finish the entry way and the bay window in the dining room.  But, in the end, we have beautiful new floors that we absolutely love.  And, as long as we live in this house, we should never have to go through this again!

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