Monday, October 20, 2014

Running Man

Yesterday, Billy finished his first half marathon.  I have to admit that when he first told me he was going to do it, I wondered if he actually would.  He's worked very hard over the past few months to get ready, so his accomplishment is well deserved.  The kids and I met up with his parents and greeted him at a couple of places along the race route.  After he was done, we met up with him downtown.  We missed him actually crossing the finish line, but we got to meet up with him and walk around for a bit. 

When we were looking for him, Audrey saw someone with a medal.  Then, she became very concerned about whether or not daddy got a medal.  I informed her that he would get one as long as he finished, so then as we looked around, she was insisting that he should be easy to find because he was the guy with a medal and orange sunglasses.  When we found him, he looked surprisingly good for just having run 13.1 miles, and he killed his target time of 2.5 hours by finishing in 2 hours 14 minutes.  That time even includes time for a quick kiss for each of our kids when he first saw us at the 6 mile mark halfway through the run.  After Billy ran off, Bill was like "oh, man, he didn't give you a kiss," to which I replied, "I didn't want one!"   He also managed to finish a beer and piece of licorice around the 9.5 mile mark. 

I am so proud of my husband and his accomplishment!   


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