Saturday, September 27, 2014

Oh My Bubby

I haven't done posts to just talk about my children in a while, so I decided I would do one for each of them.  I already had a title in mind for Barrett's, so I will start there.

Barrett is full of personality.  He is generally smiling, laughing, and being mischievous.  I can already tell that he is going to be a kid that wears his heart on his sleeve.  You never have to wonder what he is thinking.  That also means that when he is mad, he is really mad, and when he is upset, you'd think the world was ending.  Part of that may be the fact that he is two, but I think part of it is just who he is.  Some people have told me that is because he is a Gemini.  I guess that means they have a "split personality;"  in Barrett's case, he is either all happy or all unhappy.  There isn't really an in-between unless he is sleeping.

That brings me to another of Barrett's little quirks.  Barrett is usually a solid sleeper, but he is an early riser.  In the mornings, I'll hear the "swish, swish" of his diaper has he runs into our room.  Well, unless he is running for his sister's room.  He loves to bother his sister when she is sleeping.  The other night, he actually went to her room, crawled into bed with her, and slept there with her until morning.  He does generally love to be around his sister though, and he copies almost everything she does (if only that worked for potty training!). 

A month ago, Barrett got his real big boy bed.  It is a boat bed from Pottery Barn, and he refers to it as "my boat."  When I say "boat bed," he corrects me with just "my boat."  The first day he had it, he got the play broom out of Audrey's room and was swabbing the deck of his boat.  I guess he picked that up from watching his papas clean their boats. 

The past few weeks, Barrett has really started to talk more.  Usually, that is really great, because I can understand what he is saying and can help fulfill his requests.  Sometime though, the way he says things is still unique to him.  This morning he wanted "ju-ju-cay" for breakfast.  Now, I know how he says juice, yogurt, jelly, biscuit, and many other words that could somehow translate to that.  I finally resorted to pulling things out of the fridge and cabinet; when I pulled out the pancake mix he excitedly started repeating "ju-ju-cay."  I am not sure how you get that out of "pancake," but at least I figured it out!

As I think about it, most of Barrett's words are food related, and I think that is because he loves to eat.  Audrey was always a good eater, but he out-eats her much of the time.  He has started getting a little bit pickier, but I am hoping this is just a phase.  He also loves music.  He often goes into the office and tries to play the piano; by "play" I don't mean bang on it either.  He presses the keys softly and sings to himself as he does it.  He also loves to march around the house with his play drum or the recorder.  When the house is quiet, he will go into the living room, turn on the radio, and start dancing like a maniac.  I am starting to think we need to get him into some sort of music lessons pretty soon!

I guess I will close this post by mentioning Barrett's hair.  I was trying to figure out a haircut for him that wouldn't stick straight up where he has a cowlick.  So, I took him in and asked for advice from the stylist, and next thing I know he had a buzz cut.  It is definitely easier to manage, but I am not sure how well it fits my bubby.  It definitely makes him look older, so maybe that is why I don't like it!

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