Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fun at Home

After a busy summer running from lake to lake and coming home for the weeks between, the past couple of weekends have been a welcome change.  The weather has cooled down (pretty dramatically in fact), and we have had some time to acclimate to being at home.  That doesn't mean we haven't been busy though.  Between Audrey's dance rehearsals, work, church, getting things done around the house, and squeezing in some fun activities, we've kept going non-stop. 

Last weekend, we went to the Greentree parade in Kirkwood.  Both of the kids' new schools had floats, and they could have walked in the parade.  We decided to stick together as a family though and watch instead.  It was a lot of fun, and the kids got more candy than we know what to do with.  The funny thing is that Barrett could not have cared less about the candy.  His favorite treat was an apple that he carried around and took bites from until after we got home. 

That night, we got to go to the baseball game.  Audrey actually showed real interest in the game, but was very confused about why, if the player hit the ball, they didn't always get to run to first base.  We pointed out the foul line and explained that the ball has to be inside of it.  She would remember for that inning, and then we'd have to re-explain it the next inning. 
Aside from specific events, we've been having a lot of fun around the house.  Billy runs on Saturday mornings, so he is usually gone until 9 or 10.  So, the kids and I play.  This morning we had a percussion parade, built several houses from Lincoln Logs, built a mountain out of cardboard, and drove cars around the living room all before daddy got home from his run.  It may sound boring to some, but having those moments to spend with my kids are wonderful.  I know they won't last forever! 

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