Sunday, September 7, 2014

Getting into a Groove

It has taken us 3 weeks, but I think we're finally starting to find our new normal.  I now drop off Barrett on my way downtown, and Billy gets Audrey ready before dropping her off at kindergarten.  I have managed to weather the change without going the wrong way after leaving work and without forgetting to pick up a child.  We've also only had one day where we ran late, and it was an anomaly of bad weather and bad traffic that caused the issue (it took Billy almost 2 hours to get home from work that day). 

Audrey seems to be acclimating to her new class, and the meltdowns are becoming less frequent. She also has found a few things she likes better than DCC, like pizza Fridays and her music class. She has made a couple of new friends too, and she informed me the other night she wants to invite them over for a "play date."    We actually saw one of the girls when we went out for ice cream one night a couple of weeks ago, and she and Audrey were dancing and playing as soon as they saw each other. 

Barrett loves his new class; he doesn't cry when I drop him off in the morning, but instead "pushes" me out of the door.  I pretend I am falling down the hallway, and he laughs hysterically while running to the window to wave goodbye.   When I pick him up, as excited as he is to see me, he always makes sure he tells his teachers bye before grabbing my hand to head to the car.  His vocabulary is also exploding, and I attribute it in large part to his new school.  They group the children as they will be in school, where Barrett will always be one of the younger kids in his class.  At his old school, they would do it by age, so when a child had a birthday, they moved up to the next room.  That meant Barrett would at some point every year become the oldest child in the class.  Since that will never be the case once he gets to kindergarten, I think this new school will be very good for him.  Just last week, he kept surprising me by using sentences instead of just disjoined words.  He is getting to be such a big boy! 

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