Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Eggs, Brunch, and Babies

Today I got to spend time with some of my favorite people.  Every time our sorority clan gets together, I am overjoyed and amazed at how we can all come together and hang out like we did 10 years ago in college.  Granted, our family has grown a bit.  The scary thing is that the children almost outnumber the adults at this point!  That is what makes it even more exciting and fun though.  I love seeing how our children play together, and I hope someday they become as close as we are.  That could be a challenge, because while many of us live in St. Louis, not all of us do.  Even today when we had people in from the east and west coasts, we were missing a few sisters that live out of town. 

This may sound weird, but I honestly think the women in our ever-growing clan are the most amazing, fun, and downright cool people I know.  Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to be able to hang out with them.  I could probably sit here for hours writing about the amazing things that I see in each one of them.  While that is extremely tempting right now (said in all seriousness, with no sarcasm), if you've spent any amount of time with me, you've probably heard me rave at one point or another about any number of these amazing women.  So, I will refrain for your sake.

At this point, you are probably wondering what prompted this Phi Mu lovefest.  Well, our giant, crazy Phi Mu family converged this morning for an Easter weekend brunch and Easter egg hunt at the park across the street from our house.  We ate, talked, passed around babies, laughed, and watched the older kids hunt for eggs.  Before we knew it, 4 hours had gone by, and we were all a little sunburnt!    I am sure I don't have the best photos from the day, but here are a few of the ones I captured that just make me smile.


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