Thursday, April 3, 2014

5 Years Old

Audrey's fifth birthday started with a bang...well, really it was more of a WOOOOO.  Around 5:20 this morning, the tornado sirens pulled us from our sleep, and we started Audrey's birthday huddled under blankets in the basement blinking our eyes awake.  It wasn't until we were back upstairs and I was starting to get ready for work that I remembered what day it is.  Audrey's birthday! 

Even with the crazy start, Audrey didn't care.  She was so excited that it was her birthday, so she made her bed and dressed herself before I even had to ask.  It is so amazing how much she can do on her own these days!  The quilt might be a bit crooked and the pillows might be lopsided, but she is so proud of herself that I can't burst her bubble.  I am so proud that she tries and doesn't complain about doing things for herself! 

After a school day full of cards from friends and princess cupcakes, I picked her up.  She had told her teachers that she wanted to go to Bread Company for dinner (St. Louis Bread Co).  That was fortunate for her, because there is a Bread Co on the Delmar Loop, which is where we were headed for her birthday surprise.  I told her we had to run an errand, but we had loaded her bike in the back of my car. We took her to Big Shark Bike Shop, and she got to trade in her old bike for a new one.  She was so surprised and excited; I honestly don't think I have ever seen her so speechless. 

While she had Bread Co on her mind, her dad persuaded her to dine at another popular Loop establishment with the offer of a birthday float.  So, we went to Fitz's for dinner and the biggest root beer float I have ever seen.  I was glad they brought enough spoons and straws for all of us, because we definitely had to share. 


On our drive home, the bad weather returned, and the tornado sirens followed us home.  Audrey had a chance to try out her new bike riding around the basement while we waited out the storm.  Her day started and ended with focus on the weather, but she made the best of it.  On the way up to bed, her dad grabbed her a piece of hail out of the yard, which she decided to eat.  Her conclusion was that the root beer float tasted better. 

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