Sunday, December 29, 2013

Our Christmas Blessings

Since we watched the live Sound of Music on TV a couple of weeks ago, Audrey has become obsessed with the songs from the show.  While staying with her Nana and Papa last week, she also got to see the original movie version, which further fueled the fire.  She sings "Do Re Mi,"  "So Long, Farewell," and "My Favorite Things" constantly.  And, she always sings at the top of her lungs.  She knows most of the words, but makes up her own when she is missing one here or there.  My personal favorite is when she says "warm holen mittens" instead of "warm woolen mittens."  In honor of the new soundtrack to our family, or at least our preschooler, I decided to write my own version of My Favorite Things to sum up our holiday stretch.  It is called Our Christmas Blessings

Five family parties o'er five busy days.
Cookies and wassail and ham with a glaze.
Uplifting carols you can't help but sing,
These are a few of our Christmas blessings.

Christmas Eve service.  Emmanuel. Joy.
Paper and ribbon on each gift and toy.
Wagons, dolls, castles and legos and things,
These are a few of our Christmas blessings. 

When kids skip naps,
My temper snaps.
When I'm overwhelmed.
I simply remember our Christmas blessings,
And then our joy will abound.

Merry Christmas! 

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