Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Time for Thanks

I realize how cliché it is for me to be doing a post about giving thanks right around the time of Thanksgiving.  I think, however, that it is still an important exercise to pause and give God thanks for all the blessings in our lives.  I know I don't do that as much as I should, so I am going to take this opportunity to share just a few of the things we have to be thankful for this year.

I am thankful for my family.  I have an amazing husband who puts up with me when I am stressed out, crabby, and downright hard to live with.  I have two wonderful children that make me laugh and smile all of the time and remind me that life is more than a series of to-do lists.  I have awesome parents and in-laws who love me for who I am.  I have a pretty cool brother who I love to hang out with because we have a bond that no one else can touch.  I also have grandparents, grandparent-in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins and more who are there to support us and love us.

I am thankful for our home.  It can be frustrating when I get caught up in all of the furniture I wish I had and improvements I want to make to the house.  That is when I have to stop and appreciate the fact that we have such a nice, comfortable home.  As much as I loved our condo downtown, it is nice to have so much space.  Sometimes when I am getting ready in the morning, I look around my master bath with its dual vanities and soaking tub, and I wonder how I got so lucky to have such a nice house. 

I am thankful for my job.  As stressful as it can be, I know there are a lot of people out there who would love to have a job like mine where they are growing as a person, get compensated fairly, and have such great coworkers.  I appreciate the fact that I can go to work and really feel like I am making a difference. 

I am thankful for our friends.  It is such a blessing to have friends that, no matter how far apart we are or how long it has been since we last talked, are only a phone call away when I need them.  When we go on trips together, have parties to celebrate just about everything, or just hang out, we always have a good time and laugh enough to consider it a workout.  The best part is that our families come together as well, which is why I say "our" friends and not just "my" friends.

I am thankful for our church.  We have met many great people and have gained a lot much from the teaching at Central Presbyterian Church.  What we have learned during our time there has brought Billy and I closer to God and closer to each other. 

I am thankful for our loving, faithful, and merciful God.  I probably should have put this one first, but putting it last allows me to illustrate why I am so thankful .  I frequently take God's faithfulness and love for granted.  I am not worthy of the blessings he has given me; I am a terrible, sinful person.  I hurt my family and friends who love me with my insensitivity.  I let my selfishness guide my decisions instead of my servitude.  I listen to the world instead of God.  Yet, he loves me, forgives me, and keeps pouring out his blessings in my life.  I am thankful not only that he gives me that grace, but also that I can have a relationship with him and learn more every day from his word about him and his amazing grace. 

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