Monday, August 5, 2013

Musicals and Scissors

We had a fun, busy, and rather interesting weekend.  It seemed to have all of the elements of a classic sitcom: comedic mishaps, a couple of poor choices, and an overall happy ending.  The weekend started with a visit to a  St. Louis classic, The Muny.  I took Audrey to see Mary Poppins.  It was her first time at The Muny, and she was so excited because another little girl in her class was going too.  The big topic of conversation for her class on Friday was whether Audrey and Maiya would see each other at the show.  As the time for the show drew near, the skies over St. Louis were dark and damp.  It had been raining off and on all day, and it didn't look like it was going to let up any time soon.  Still, we made our way to Forest Park with high hopes that we would get to see the show.  Surprisingly, the start of the show was only delayed about 20 minutes, but only 2 songs in, another downpour began.  Audrey and I huddled under our umbrella in our seats.  It was like  torture for a 4 year old to sit still in a confined space for almost 30 minutes.  Fortunately, we made it through and even managed to stay mostly dry ourselves and to keep our seats dry.  We didn't roll into our driveway until after 12:30 am though.  The next morning, Audrey had a lot to say about the show; she commented on the songs and dancing as I expected, but her fascination with the costumes and scenery surprised me.  She also informed her father and I that she thought she could do what the kids in the show did and that she would like it.

Saturday, Audrey slept in a little bit, and so did mommy and daddy.  We had a lot to do around the house, since we've been gone so much lately.  Fortunately, the kids think cleaning is fun.  Barrett in particular loves pushing things across the floor.  The Dyson vacuums are his favorite.  Yes, I said 'vacuums' (plural), because we have an adult Dyson and a child Dyson.  He loves them both.  He also likes the play mop and broom that Audrey got for Christmas last year.  Audrey likes to wipe things with rags, which actually comes in handy.  Baseboards and trim have never been so clean in my house!

After a couple of hours of work around the house, the kids grew weary, so we ventured out to run some errands and for me to get a haircut.  Lunch came next, followed by naps.  Audrey took such a long nap due to her late night, that dinner followed pretty soon after her nap.  At that point, we had a couple more errands to run.  When I was buckling her in the car, I noticed that she had hair in her eyes; I am not talking about long strands of hair.  I am talking bangs that are overgrown and need trimmed.  The problem is, she grew her bangs out and hasn't had bangs for months, that is, until sometime Saturday.  When I quizzed Audrey about where the bangs came from, she confessed that she used the scissors to cut her hair.  With everything going on that day, I am not sure when it happened and how long it took me to notice; Audrey didn't provide a clear answer for when she cut her hair either. I am told I too cut my own hair once, as do most young girls at some point.  I guess it is almost a coming of age ritual.  I feel like Audrey got off pretty easy; it just looks like she has a few bangs again, so it isn't a complete disaster.  Granted, her dreams of long flowing hair will be put on hold while we wait for the strands she trimmed to catch up with the rest of her locks. There were no emergency trips to the salon, and the only tears shed were Audrey's when she realized that she was now going to have to keep her hair shorter until those hairs caught up with the length of the rest of her hair.  The lesson I took away is that even though she knows she is not supposed to use the scissors she can reach on the desk and in the kitchen, it doesn't mean she won't try!

Despite the mishap, we managed to round out our hectic weekend with a trip to Greenville to swim and go on the boat.  We also got to visit with family and enjoy some delicious food, because I know my mom wouldn't have it any other way.  It was busy and a little crazy, but I am so thankful we spent the weekend together as a family. 

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