Sunday, April 22, 2012

So Blessed

I vaguely recall writing a similar post to this at some point when Audrey was smaller, but I can't help but doing the same for baby boy. 

This weekend has been the first opportunity we've had to really focus on prepartions for our little gift from God. 

Yesterday, my friends held a Baby "Sprinkle" for baby boy.  It wasn't a full blown shower with games and cakes and such.  It was much more casual.  They had it at Tower Grove Park in one of the pavillions.  Baby boy got a lot of diapers, which I have not doubt we will use. He also got some cute little outfits as well as some other essentials like wipes and towels.  I realized last night when we were at the Blues playoff game after the shower that almost half of the outfits that baby boy has recieved now are St. Louis Blues related; the amazing part is that none of them are the same.  Billy is really excited about that, so I think you'll be able to tell when Billy was in charge of dressing baby boy.  Thank you to everyone who came and gave us gifts!  An extra big thank you to Jamie and Mandi for coordinating everything.  We had so much fun, and it was truly another reminder of just how loved and blessed baby boy is already.  He is entering a world where he'll be surrounded by people who love and care for him. I pray he never knows a day where he doesn't feel loved. 

We've also been using this weekend to start getting baby boy's room ready.  Billy converted the crib back to the infant crib from the toddler bed, since Audrey has her big girl bed now.  I also washed up the bedding and started washing up clothes, blankets, etc.  We have a few more items to get in colors and patterns that aren't meant for a girl, but I think we are at a point now where, if he came tomorrow, we could be ready enough.  That's not to say we're ready for him to come tomorrow. A few more weeks would be nice (someone please remind me I said this when I feel huge an miserable in a couple of weeks).  It is hard to believe that his due date is only 6 weeks away.  June 5 will be here before we know it! 

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