Monday, April 9, 2012

Keeping Busy

The past week has been extremely busy and full of milestones including:
  1. Audrey turned 3 on April 3
  2. Audrey's 3rd birthday party was March 31 in Greenville
  3. We took possession of our apartment and started moving on March 30
  4. We officially moved out of our condo on April 7
  5. Easter was April 8
I've posted more photos on the Picasa site of Audrey's birthday and Easter. Here are a few funny stories that I just have to share from all of these events.

At Audrey's party, she was so excited about her cake. Every time someone new would show up, Audrey would take them by the hand and pull them over to her cake to show them.

After a long day of cleaning the apartment and taking loads over, we went out to dinner with my parents last Friday. They were paying the bill, and my dad asked my mom if he could have a twenty. Audrey then went over to my mom, laying a hand on her arm and said, "Can I have a twenty Grandma?" We all busted up laughing. My mom then pulled the bill out of her wallet and handed it to Audrey, who just looked at the money for a few seconds and then handed it back to my mom. It was apparent she had no idea what 'a twenty' really was.

The morning of the big move, after sleeping our last night in the condo, Audrey woke up, and we went to get her out of bed. However, she started to whimper and just said, "I don't want to leave my room." It was so sad. I thought she was doing so well with the move, but in that moment it was clear that the move was just as bittersweet for her as for Billy and I.

On Easter, we went to church in St. Louis, got a few more things unpacked, and then had a late lunch at the Yorks and dinner at the Nances. While at my parents, we put a few plastic eggs in the yard and let Audrey have a little Easter egg hunt. First, she had to get a second basket because the first wasn't big enough. Then, she took her eggs to show her dad and Uncle Brian. When she turned around, they threw a few more in the yard. Audrey went to retrieve them, and when she was turned the other way, Billy and Brian thew out a few more eggs. They continued on like this for some time, until Billy accidentally hit Audrey with an egg, and she realized that someone was throwing the eggs back out in the yard.

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