Saturday, December 31, 2011

Word of the Day: Goodbye

The obvious reason that today we are saying Goodbye is because with the stroke of mid-night, we will say goodbye to 2011 and welcome to 2012. For our family, however, there is another goodbye that we must say. Our neighbors for the past several years, Javier and Nicole, are moving back to Chile, where they are originally from. They have the mirror unit of ours on the other side of the 11th floor, and they also have two little boys, the oldest of which was also born in April 2009. Augustin is in Audrey's class at school, and the two play together from time to time outside of school as well.
Most of us hate moving in general, but seeing Javier and Nicole go through this cross-continent move has really put things into perspective for me. We are so blessed to be surrounded by family and friends within driving distance that we can call on to help us pack, move, and entertain Audrey while we get things done. If and when we move again, remind me of this post so I can appreciate just how easy we really have it.
I know that we will miss their family, but we wish them well as they move closer to their families in South America. Here are some photos that we have of Audrey and Augustin decorating a Christmas cookie together earlier in the month.

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