Monday, December 5, 2011


Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for Nance baby #2. I guess we're calling the baby shrimp now, since our facebook post made the comparison of the size of the baby to a shrimp.
I have heard people tell me that each pregnancy is different, just like they say each child/dog/cat/etc. is different from any other. Still, I went into this pregnancy thinking I had this down. Well, I guess God thought I needed a wake-up call, because man, is it different. Not only are our circumstances different: we already have a toddler, we both have more responsibility at work, and there is a greater need to sell the condo. That may not seem like that much, but it really feels like a world of difference. Pile on top of that the fact that my mood swings are out of control (and that is not an exaggeration), I think my stomach hates me, and my food aversions are stronger.All of that combined makes a royal mess. I know that I have been difficult to live with lately, so I thank Billy and Audrey both for bearing with me. Whenever I am "sad" (i.e. crying uncontrollably), Audrey comes over to me every once in a while and just gives me a big bear hug. It is the sweetest thing in the world, which only causes more crying. I remember having my moments when I was pregnant with Audrey, but nothing like this. I am just going to keep praying that this passes with the first trimester, and I soon enter some territory for smooth sailing.

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